Great New Options for 2019!

While we’re closing out a year of great changes at AIBA—new website, new branding, new member management system, more social media, more education, more shop local campaigns (whew!)—we’re excited about the many new opportunities to get increased value from your AIBA membership in 2019.
We’ve lined up an amazing event calendar including 5 Breakfasts, 4 Happy Hours, 3 Luncheons, 2 Cruises, 1 Resource Academy and 1 Awards Party! Watch your newsletters, check your emails and visit for dates and details on upcoming events.
We completed a membership survey last month and we’ve taken to heart your responses and ideas. After a thorough review, the big takeaways are that our members are happy with AIBA and we’re on the right track, but you’d like to have the opportunity for more engagement with your fellow your businesses and more promotions for B2B members. The survey results also highlighted that we need to improve how we share information since several companies asked for services we currently provide. You spoke and we listened!
Great new value opportunities for 2019:
1. Private Member-Only Facebook Group—Look for this to launch in January as a great place to communicate with each other. It will be for members only (so watch for your renewal invoice to keep your membership current and maintain access to the group). The Members-Only group will include notices from members (buy, sell, need, offer, etc.), discussions on timely topics, events and more. Look for an invitation to join the group in early January.
2. 2 for 2 Member Showcase—Beginning in February. We are creating a space to showcase two member businesses at each event except happy hours. Each business will have two minutes to present to the group while AIBA broadcasts a Facebook Live Video of both presentations. Presentation slots are available on a first come, first served basis and are limited to once a year per member. Watch our calendar for event dates.
3. Happy Hour Featured Member—Beginning in February. As a companion offering to our 2 for 2 Member Showcase, this opportunity provides both featured members a table at one happy hour per year and is also on a first come, first served basis. This gives each participating member the opportunity to display items or information on their services and engage the attendees in conversation about your offerings.
4. AIBA Member Orientation—Beginning in February. Whether you are a new member or a long-term member who wants to know more about AIBA’s programs and benefits, this is for you. We’ll cover all the ways you can engage, connect and market your business. Orientations will be held before every happy hour. As requested in the membership survey, we are moving our happy hours to 6-8pm. Orientation will be 5:30-6, leading right into the happy hour.
5. Member-2-Member Introductions—Beginning in January. Many members have requested an introduction to another member. We’re happy to provide that service for you! When you find a member you’d like to meet, just let us know and we’ll provide a personal introduction for you.
6. Monthly Deals—Beginning in July. Each month we will promote up to 10 Dillo Deals of the Month from AIBA members. These offers should be high-value and compelling, something that contains a special offer (an exceptional special offer that is sure to get people in your door). We’ll handle the promotions, you handle all the new customers.
We can’t wait to get started! Until then, thank you for being a member of AIBA and have a most wonderful local holiday. See you in 2019!